How to add a payroll code and percentages to an employee profile

This is a step-by-step guide on how to apply payroll codes to employee profiles. 


The Payroll Code field is shared by the employee and absence reason levels of the Absence & Substitute system. If a payroll code is present on the employee profile and no payroll code is present on the absence reason, Absence & Substitute will add the employee payroll code(s) to the job. If the absence reason has a payroll code, Absence & Substitute will add the absence reason payroll code to the job instead of the employee code so the correct source of funding can be processed.

1. Navigate to Users > Browse Users. Search or select the employee. 

2. From the profile click Settings > Payroll. Click the three dots and select Edit.

If you do not see a Payroll tab, contact support to add this setting to your organization.

3. Click + to add one or more codes. If multiple codes are needed, add Percentage for each code which must add up to 100%.

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