This is a step-by-step guide on how to create an absence limit. Absence limits allow you to limit the total number of absences on any given date by site, absence reason, and/or job classification.
1. Navigate to Organization > Configuration > Absence Limits and click Add Rule.
2. Enter the Rule Name and the desired Absence Limit. You can also filter the limit so it only applies to specific Job Classifications, Sites, and/or Job Reasons. Click Save.
Note: For more help filtering absence limits, see How to filter an absence limit.
3. In this example, only 20 employees district-wide will be able to submit absences on any given day.
4. Once the absence limit rule has been set, an error will be displayed during the absence posting process if the posted job exceeds the limit.
Note: Both employee absences as well as vacancies will count towards the established absence limit.